Sir Walter Scott Quotes

Oh what a tangled web we weave,when first we practice to deceive!

Sir Walter Scott

There never will exist anything permanently noble and excellent in the character which is a stranger to resolute self-denial.

Sir Walter Scott

Heap on the wood!-the wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, We'll keep our Christmas merry still.

Sir Walter Scott

Just at the age 'twixt boy and youth, When thought is speech, and speech is truth

Sir Walter Scott

Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness.

Sir Walter Scott

Nothing is more the child of art than a garden

Sir Walter Scott

To be always intending to live a new life, but never find time to set about it - this is as if a man should put off eating and drinking from one day to another till he be starved and destroyed

Sir Walter Scott

Good wine needs neither bush nor preface to make it welcome.

Sir Walter Scott

And they drank the red wine through the helmet barred.

Sir Walter Scott

Cats are mysterious kind of folk - there is more passing in their minds than we are aware of.

Sir Walter Scott

He that climbs the tall tree has won right to the fruit.

Sir Walter Scott

Recollect that the Almighty, who gave the dog to be companion of our pleasures and our toils, hath invested him with a nature noble and incapable of deceit

Sir Walter Scott

Tis plain that there is not in nature a point of stability to be found: everything either ascends or declines. When wars are ended abroad, sedition begins at home, and when men are freed from fighting for necessity, they quarrel through ambition.

Sir Walter Scott

In love quarrels the party that loves the most is always most willing to acknowledge the greater fault.

Sir Walter Scott

Court not the critic's smile nor dread his frown

Sir Walter Scott
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